Career Counseling

A person extends their arms in celebration as they work. Career counseling in San Francisco, CA can support you with online career counseling in California. Contact a career counselor in San Francisco, CA to learn more today! 94104 | 94105 | 94117

Maybe you’re starting to not like your job. Or, you can tolerate it, but it doesn’t fulfill you in the way you wished it would. A raise or a promotion may help, but you’re nervous to ask for what you want. Or, maybe you work in an unpleasant environment. All you want is support in dealing with the challenging situations you experience in the workplace. 

You may also be in a transitional period in your life. You’ve graduated or got the push to have a real career, not a nine-to-five job that barely covers your bills. But the problem is, you’re not sure where to begin. You have some interests and skills. But, you’re not sure how those translate into a career, much less a career you can excel in. You need some direction and support to figure it out. 

You’re not alone in your struggles. In fact, half of the United States workforce reports being disengaged at work. These feelings decrease their workplace performance. Thus, dampening career ambitions, and leading to further dissatisfaction.

But there’s hope. If you can relate to feeling this way, then career counseling with a licensed therapist can help. 

Common Reasons to Begin Career Counseling:

A woman covers her face as she sits at her computer desk. She appears to be upset. Career counseling in San Francisco, CA can help you find the right job with the support of a career counselor in San Francisco, CA.
  • Being unhappy at work

  • Feeling unfulfilled in your job 

  • Workplace discrimination

  • Apprehension regarding asking for a raise or going after a promotion 

  • Career clarity and direction

  • Work-related anxiety

  • Decreases in work performance 

  • Anxiety about changing jobs or careers

  • Challenges creating a healthy work-life balance

Work Dissatisfaction Can Negatively Impact Your Life

Often those who are struggling at work experience other psychological challenges. This may include anxiety, depression, withdrawal, avoidance, and more. If left unaddressed these concerns can soon morph into a bigger issue. In fact, it can even affect other areas of your life and put a strain on your relationship. 

It’s easy to get caught up in your work or work-related stress. But, it’s possible to find professional fulfillment again. You may need some support and guidance to help you find a career you love. 

ADHD and Career Struggles

We are a Bay Area-based therapy practice. Our team specializes in helping clients with Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). And, we understand that many neurodivergent individuals struggle professionally. They often hear the same negative feedback from their supervisors or team leads. They may cite concerns such as disorganization, being late on deadlines, and a lack of productivity. When feedback such as this is received, it often leads to feelings of shame and resentment. Thus, making their job even harder.

It’s important to note professional struggles are common amongst ADHDer’s. But, individual and group support is available to help you reach your professional goals. This looks different for every ADHDer. It usually comes down to finding a job or workplace that works for your unique neurodivergent ADHD brain. This may look like asking your supervisor or team lead for certain accommodations. Or, by making subtle changes at work to help you function better. It may even be finding a job with more organization, structure, accountability, and novelty.

Our skilled therapists will help you look at what is and is not working in your life. A career counselor will assist you in making a plan to help you meet your career goals.

Our Approach to Career Counseling in the Bay Area

Like any good therapeutic relationship, the first step in the counseling process is building a client-therapist relationship. To do this we must understand the issues that are bringing you to career counseling in the first place. If you actually hate your job, we need to figure out what it is that bothers you and why you’re staying. Likewise, you may generally like your job. But, you may wish some things were different. If so, then we need to determine exactly what needs to change for you to feel more fulfilled. It’s also important for us to determine if these things are fixable in your current work environment.

A woman sits in her office with hands behind her head. She is looking out over the city. Career counseling in San Francisco, CA can help you to enjoy your job. Search "career counselor near me" or contact a career counselor in San Francisco, CA

We realize it can be frightening to make career changes. But, we want you to feel empowered to reach for success and achieve your professional goals. To do this we will help you forge a path of change by tapping into the skills you already own. Identifying your skills will help you feel more confident and give you the courage to go for the job you want. As your partner in this journey, your career counselor will support you and hold you accountable for making these changes. We know how easy it is to put off change and suffer in silence, but we don’t want that for you. So we will discuss where you’re at and your process often in session. 

After career counseling, our clients report greater levels of professional satisfaction. They know what can change on a professional level and can accept the things that will not change. Furthermore, they can balance their work responsibilities and personal life better. And lastly, they have a set of skills and tools to draw upon if and when bumps arise in their professional career. 

What are you waiting for? Begin Career Counseling Today

Don’t normalize hating your job. You can live your career and find professional fulfillment. Working with a career counselor can help you create a realistic plan to achieve your goals. We will support you to fall in love with your job again. Plus, you can access a therapist from anywhere in California with online therapy. Book a free 20-minute consultation call with a caring career counselor. See if California Integrative Counseling Center is a good fit for your mental health needs.

Other Services at California Integrative Counseling Center

At our California-based counseling center, we focus on your goals for therapy. If you are looking to reconnect with your partner(s), our inclusive therapists offer couples therapy. Likewise, we know that your life is always changing. You may be going through a divorce, having a child, or finally getting that dream job. Our therapists provide counseling for life transitions to help you navigate life transitions. Big or small, positive or negative. If you are not quite ready to begin individual ADHD treatment, we offer an ADHD support group for women. We also offer therapy for teens as well! Our team would be honored to join you on your path toward mental wellness.